
What's the best activity for my son this summer?

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my daughter will enroll summer class in reading and writing but my son mika doesn't want to enroll anything about school...




  1. You can see the web site

  2. you can enroll him in sports clinics or activities like basketball or swimming. if he is interested in music, try to enroll him in music classes which i think requires about 2 weeks of classes

  3. How old is your son?  Have you asked him what he would like to do?

    I find that there are a lot of summer programs out there that range from art to music to drama to sports.  Usually places that offer these programs have flyers.  I suggest you collect the flyers that you are willing to send your son to and have him choose which one he cares to enroll in.  Good luck!

  4. summer camp...

  5. see if there is a freedom school in your area...boys and girls club...NYSP (sports camp) or something

  6. holidays are about doing nothing that's why doesn't want school stuff just give him guitar so he can learn to play or something

  7. Join him in the summer camp by Ramkrisna mutt

  8. if he enjoys sports, then take him to Roller blading or Skating etc,

    If he likes music, A music Boarding School.

    Whatever hes interested in is the best.

  9. Maybe enroll him in a camp that interests him. (Soccer, basketball, art, etc.). School is important, but being a kid is important too.

  10. You may go in for extra- curricular activities for him like physical sports such as cricket, basketball, football, skating or martial arts like taekwondo, etc. You can try out options like dance- salsa, and other variants This way your child's physical energies shall be easily chanellized.

    For his fine motor and mood enhancement try out painting and drawing classes, instrumental music classes, origami and paper folding sessions, creative and multimedia sessions in computers.

    You must keep on going through brochures of different schools before the beginning of the summer break, as it is then that many schools bring out the options of the best activities for this age- group. The broad headings, I have mentioned above.

    You may even search for a private tutor for your child if he's interested in any of the above-mentioned activities , thereby giving an oppotunity to hone his talents.

    Hope this satifies your querry.

  11. A swim team or a music/theater camp might be of interest to him. Some zoos, museums and aquariums have children camps or classes for all ages.

  12. Go to it is in mississippi and is for all ages, anybody would love it there!

  13. best activity for any kid:  do something active (whatever he enjoys, organized, with nieghboorhood kids, by himself), read something (magzines, comic books, novels, non-ficiton- if he's too young read to him), use his imagination and have fun.  Place some books on his favorite topics around the house, set a limit on his screen time and tell him he can do whatever he wants.

  14. Check with your local library and they usually have a reading hour daily and also puppet shows, singing etc...

    The best thing about it is that it is free.

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