
What's the best (and cheapest) way to get to Venice from Rome and still leave time for sightseeing?

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Also, what are some inexpensive hotels/hostels in Venice for college students (1 night)?




  1. drive a car.  buy a book on villas and hostels.  watch your stuff at night (and in the day) hostels are a nasty way to go.  Only 3***+ should be taken seriously.  otherwise, sleep may be an option.

    car is cheap.  you should be driving everywhere in europe.  you lose your independence and miss so much if you take the train.  try sleeping on the train and see how much of your personal items are still with you.  what is the cost of that?  huge.

  2. cheapest---> train from the Termini train station in'll find a ticket easily just show up over there, the only thing is that it will take 5 hours or so to arrive in Venice, but as i understood you're staying there for 2 days (one night) so there will be time for your sorry i live in Rome and i dont know any hostels in Venice, but im sure there will be sm sort of info point in Venice expecially at the train station.

    hope i was helpful

  3. Take a train (quick and rather cheap). By car is a nightmare and ugly expensive (unless you may share costs with other people).

    You should make a reservation on an Eurostar (it takes nor 5 hours to link Rome to Venice and cost is around € 45 -one way -)

    This is the link for schedule and reservations

    If you take the Eurostar leaving Rome at 6,52 am you'll be in Venice around noon.You'll have the whole afternoon and the day after to visit worthiest highlights.

    As to the hostels here are 2 links :

    good luck

  4. Hello, it's funny to see someone asking a question similiar to mine. I'm a student too, and I'm going to A few countries in europe too in January/February, amongst which are Rome and Venice, maybe I can share some of what I've researched with you?

    First- Even though generally travelling by bus are cheap, they are not favourable to train. In the end, I decided travelling more comfortably and more conveniently beats travelling cheaper. A train ticket costs 45 euro from Rome to Venice, the earliest being at 6.55am in the morning and arrives in Venice at 11.45pm. In case you still want to travel by bus, there's a company called ACTV buses which takes off from Rome to Venice.

    Second- Venice is not a good city to spend the night if you are trying to keep the trip within your budget. From friend's experience and from the commentaries I've read, the food are expensive, accomodations rarely come cheap, so if you're continuing your journey to somewhere else then choose to spend a night in the train/bus. I've found so far, one good hostel which is convenient, 15 minutes from the train station, called Ostello Santa Frosca, dorm beds are 18euro per night.

    Try to click on my avatar and see the question's I've asked previously, I've gotten some really helpful answers from Yahoo users. You may email me too, maybe we could exchanged tips for the journey?

  5. Take a train!  It's fast, it's not very expensive  and you won't get lost!  I don't think you'll have a problem with having the time sightseeing in Venice.  All you need is about 3 days, 5 MAX... you'll get bored... Rome is better in terms of sightseeing.  Tons of great hostels.  Ours was Antico Fiore, about 10-15 min walk to St. Mark's Square.  Their telephone number is +39.0415227941.    We did a lot of research before coming to venice and this is one of the cheapest hotels we saw.  They also serve breakfast (continental).

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