
What's the best aquarium filter for my tank?

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I have a 29 gallon tank that I bought at Walmart. So far I'm using the filter it came with -- an Aqua Tech that pumps 160 GPH. I'd like to replace it because I don't think it's working very well. So I have two questions.

1) What kind of GPH flow rate should I be looking for in a new filter?

2) Please advise me as to what the best filter is for my 29 gallon tank?

And in case you're wondering, I have 1 dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 2 cory cats, 8 neon tetras, and 1 plecostomus. Probably more fish later.

Thank you all, for your advice and input.




  1. I've heard people say that you should have a filter that can turn your tank over 3 or 4 times an hour, but I disagree. I prefer twice the filter for your tank size - in your case a filter rated for 55-75 gallon tanks would be good for your tank.

    Whisper and AquaClear are good filter brands to check out, and they're not very expensive.

    As an aside, the plec will get very big... it might be good to look into a large tank as it grows (:

  2. you should be looking for a filter that with a flow rate of about 290 gph (tank gallons X10)

    but your not far away, flow rates add up so if you alreasy have a 160 gallon one stick that on one side of the tank and buy another one around 130 gph, mabye another of the ones you already have?

  3. tehpurpl is right...I would look for something that will turn your tank over 10 times an hr. I really like the aquaclear's...I think for hang on the back models it is the best you can get.

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