
What's the best area to live in as a vegan if you want to eat local foods?

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Fresh foods with high influence on raw...lots of fruit, veggies, nuts. Thanks!




  1. I would say near any major city, but if you want local year round you have to look at the tropics.

  2. If your talking about where to live and fresh food is avauilable I would imagine California and Hawaii but if you cant live there Im sure where you live has farmers markets around town just check around even large cities have them wether your in New York ,Los Angeles or Miami

  3. Southern states definetely, anyplace warm year round where they can grow year round

  4. probably san francisco, or san jose areas

  5. I live in New York City and we definitely have a good variety here. Besides NYC, i would say Los Angeles.

  6. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA! We are so fortunate here. There is plentiful land, clear air and sunshine as well as laws restricting the use of GMOs in local foods. We have everything from locally grown fruits, veggies and nuts, to locally produced tofu, nut butters, herbal tinctures, teas, meats (even though you don't eat them) and so on. There are local co-ops everywhere it seems with a passion for selling local organic/natural food. It's really a wonderful place to be.

  7. I recently moved to Atlanta, GA and it's insane! There are farmer's markets and vegetarian restaurants all over. The suburb I live in has at least 3 farmer's markets that I've seen just driving through the area.

    Anyways, here is a site that shows farmers markets that carry local farmer's produce. You can just select your area using the map. Enjoy!

  8. Good things grow in Ontario!

    I live in Ontario Canada, some of the finest growing land in north America.   Granted I can only get fresh for 6 months of the year, I can certainly make preserved, snack and freeze my own locally grown product to last me the whole year.

    Everything from concord grapes for Organic wines to potatoes and wheat are grown right here.

  9. New York City.

  10. I'm a vegan living in West Hollywood and it's like heaven. There are several vegan restaurants all over LA, along with the famous Farmer's Market (where you can find unique ingredients for vegan dishes.) The food isn't that expensive at any of the veg restaurants either.

    Even if you eat at a normal restaurant, you will find vegan options...the restaurants are all willing to accomodate your needs. We have a lot of Mexican places here, which are great for a vegan if you ask to hold the cheese. I grew up as a vegan in Florida and it was a lot harder to eat out. The people here in LA understand veganism a lot better and you're bound to meet people just like you.

  11. probably mexico

    it has a lot of little fruit stands and rice not much meat...

  12. Anywhere on the West Coast is great because of the year round mild temperatures.  Perfect areas would be Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

    I live in the Bay Area and there are hundreds of farmer's markets, small family-run produce stores, co-ops, health food stores and local farms in the surrounding hills and valleys.  Many neighborhood/community gardens where people plant their own foods or pay for a share, are booming.  

    Also in the Bay Area we have several raw vegan restaurants that have mostly local foods.

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