
What's the best brand of shoes for xc??

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New season of cross country and I haven't really paid too much attention to price or performance. I'm going shopping for clothes at Waterloo [NY] this weekend and I'm stopping at the Reebok store to see if I can find anything. I've only bought sneakers for volleyball there, so I don't know if they actually have what I'm looking for.

But I'd really like suggestions for stores/brands/specifics if you have any...

Thanks. =]]




  1. I like saucony,asics,and new balance. But really what's important is that you get good shoes that are right for how you run. If you are going to run, then good to a running specialty store and have someone fit you with the right shoes for your feet. It may be a little expensive but it's worth it.

  2. First off, my advice would be not to buy your shoes at the reebok store unless you already know what you like.  Generally, the employees at these types of stores are just fitting you for size, and that isn't all you need for a good running shoe.  At a local running store, they'll fit you for size, arch type, and pronation (how much your foot rolls in when you run).  It's actually very important when you run!

    As for shoes, it varies by person, based on their needs.  I personally am a big fan of Saucony shoes.  They tend to have very good support, and are very cushioned.  Asics are also very good.  Many athletes like brooks, though i have never worn them.  Nike and reebok shoes tend not to have a spot on the team, but if you find a pair that you really love, go for it.

    As far as spikes go, most mid-distance or distance spikes will work.  Saucony has a good line, as does brooks and Nike.

    hope it helps!


  3. any shoe is good, you just want to find one light weight, supportive, and comfortable for you. personally i like nike the best, but every ones feet are different. just DO NOT buy shoes from a clothing store (like kohls) that says they are cross training or whatever, they are crappy and usually made mostly of  plastic.

    still got blisters >_<

  4. well the brands for long distance running are Nike, Puma, adidas, a brand called Brooks (for spikes). those are the best. look in those types of shops, like long distance running shoes, (make sure their lightweight), and you should be fine

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