
What's the best camera brand to get?

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I was thinking about getting this Kodak 8.2 mp camera, but I didn't know if I should or not... I'm not really digital-camera-savvy... In your opinion, which brand is the best?




  1. There is no one best brand. Everyone has their preferences, and different cameras suit different people depending on their needs. For example, I find Sony cameras pretty confusing to use but other people like them fine. I prefer the menu style of Panasonic cameras.

    Most people agree that Canon and Nikon make the best lenses, however.

  2. Ew, don't get Kodak

    any Kodak cameras are pretty fragile.

    How do I know this? From a personal

    experience. My first digital camera

    was Kodak and it didn't even last.

    Also my friend got kodak for her b-day

    and she only had it for a week and

    there's already something wrong w/ it.

    So she got a new one. Also the quality

    isn't really good. You should get Sony cybershot.

    I've had my cybershot for 2 years now and it still

    works great.

  3. There were a few years that Kodak had a bad rep in the consumer level P&S cameras ... now they are once again one of the leaders in the high-tech sensor design and manufacturing (note they just released their new 50MP sensor that Hasselblad is using in their new 645 camera).

    They were the first to produce 35 mm camera based DSLR's for Nikon and Canon in 1999 and early 2000's until Nikon and Canon could get up to speed with their own.

  4. There are a lot of good Brother has an 8 MP Canon Digital Camera and he likes it a lot.

  5. In general Canon, Nikon and Sony offer better bang for the buck.

    However, you are the one who going to buy and use the camera. So your own preference is far more important then whatever we suggest.

    Having said that I will suggest you go to one of the bigger camera shop in your town and spend some time to play around / compare different makes and models within your price range.

    By doing so, you will able to find one that you like better than the other.

  6. Canon, or Nikon are the top two brands - in MY opinion. But, everyone has their own opinion, none of which are right, or wrong. It's only an opinion, and nothing more. There are lots of good cams out there made by many different manufacturers. It all depends on what you want out of a cam, and what YOUR own individual preferences are. Hey, if you are happy with a particular camera, then who is to say that it's a poor choice? The only real opinion that matters in the least bit is your own opinion. And thats MY opinion, LOL!

    Best wishes!

  7. a Nikon s600 is, in my opinion, is the best for photography. Canons and  Kodaks are also very common, so whatever you choose is fine. My sister has a Nikon and she fell in love with it! She does photography, so she needed one. You could find a cheap Nikon at Costco for $200, it's pretty cheap compared to a $900 Nikon.  Enjoy your future camera♥

  8. your grandma's grave!!!

  9. In my opinion, definitely Sony

    Although Kodak is pretty good too

  10. Well, I have a $110 digital Polaroid i7738. At first I thought since it was so cheap it would be crappy but it's really not.

    Here's the link for it...

  11. I would recommend Canon, Kodak, or Sony

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