
What's the best camera company??

by  |  earlier

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I am buying a new camera tomorrow, and i'm not sure which company's the best. I dont have a lot of money, i think like $125.. and if it was a little more my dad cud help a little. I just really don't know cuz my family has all gotten canon cameras, and all have something wrong with them.. if u know/ have an opinon, tell me plz!! thanks!




  1. I would say sony.

    best qualities and easy to use.

    even have some in cute colors !!!

  2. That really depends on what you're needs are. Different companies make different cameras for different uses just like how Jeep is good at making off road cars and Ferarri is good at making fast street cars.  Here are some strengths from personal experience to look at.

    If you want.....

    1. Sturdy, weatherproof get an Olympus.

    2. If you want super picture quality get a Nikon or Canon.

    3. If you want good style and ultra compact camera go with a Casio.

    4. If you want a super zoom and easy use get a panasonic or fuji.

  3. =] i dono...for sure but i think sony is pretty good, and also kodak...but i think it depends more on wat camera! ask the ppl who work where ever u get the camera...and also mayb get insurance just incase something does go wrong!



  4. I agree with takshis, Canon and Nikon are two of the most well-known camera companies, bot have excellent reputations. Olympus also makes fine cameras. Don't listen to the first guy saying Casio. He obviously knows nothing about cameras. Casio is cheap junk made in china. Sony makes decent point-and-shoot cameras(P&S would be about all you can get with $125) but I think Sony tends to be an overrated brand in general.

  5. I think Canon and nikon are the best cameras.I have a canon and the pictures quality is excellent.

    Then comes the Olympus and Sony brands.

    final verdict- go for canon if picture quality matters

                          go for olympus if build quality matters

  6. Casio is the best. if not, then go with sony

  7. The best for P & S is generally - Canon, Nikon.. and a bit after that would be Fuji.

    Sony's not bad, however, they stick to their proprietary Memory Stick format. It isn't very widely supported as much as SD or CF (unless this has changed).

    I suggest those 3 brands, though you might want to google additional cameras and research a bit more.

  8. I don't think there is one "best" camera company.  If possible go to a store that has working display models to try out.  Compare the specifications of different models.  Once you find a few models you like write them down and do a little research online.  Sometimes if you just type in the model number in a search engine you will get some good information.  Good luck and let us know how it goes :)

  9. From everything I have read, Canon comes in first place with Nikon very close behind.

    I own three Nikon's  

    One is the D80 and the other one is the D300

    Both are great cameras

    I also have a coolpix.  Don't remember the model.  It's a good camera, but a little slow.  

    What I would do it go to a camera store and try out a lower price camera and then try out a real nice one.  Such as the Nikon D40, D60, D80, D100.   Then base your decision on that.  This will give you a feel for what you are looking for and what type of camera you need.  Just because you try a camera out, does not mean your going to buy it.  Never hurts to try first.

    Good luck in choosing your camera.

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