
What's the best career for me?

by  |  earlier

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I have a passion in classical music. composing my native songs, teaching and performing cultural dance and songs.

I'm an active reservist in a military reserve unit.

and am studying, mechanical engineering.




  1. A instrumental artist

  2. I really have no idea. Only you should know what you want to do, and no one else. If it was me I would choose composing music, instead of going into the military.

  3. You should consult some musician and he shall guide you properly and he is the only person who can judge whether any aptitute is there in you or it is simply a desire.  Often our desires are the commands from the side of God and we should probe into these desires and we must ensure that these commands are real and we can achieve something if we follow our desires and wishes.

  4. Experiment, my friend. Finding your career is nothing less than a journey, especially if your endeavors are creative or artistic. I recommend looking at whatever it is you do naturally --- the activities you've done since you were a kid, that you've always enjoyed --- and see if that doesn't open a path for you. Don't be afraid to make a few mistakes along the way.

  5. music producer or army vehicle designer or army vehicle engineer

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