
What's the best city to move to where the human sercives field is financially stable and not underpaid?

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What's the best city to move to where the human sercives field is financially stable and not underpaid?




  1. I have no idea what the guy ahead of me is talking about in relation to your question.  But I've added a few links for further research.  

    As far as earnings go on average, underpaid seems to be the norm:

    Median annual earnings of social and human service assistants were $25,580 in May 2006. The middle 50 percent earned between $20,350 and $32,440. The top 10 percent earned more than $40,780, while the lowest 10 percent earned less than $16,180.

    Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of social and human service assistants in May 2006 were:

    Local government $30,510

    State government 29,810

    Individual and family services 24,490

    Vocational rehabilitation services 22,530

    Residential mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse facilities 22,380

  2. It is dependent upon your personal chart as to in which zodiac Houses your natal planets "reside"; and those of your person(s) of interest.

    It is possible that you have preponderance of your planets in one sun sign or another, which trigger such mutable Trinal and Oppositional attraction with such persons!

    Anyone can "change" ascendant(s) and a few other aspects by relocation to another favorable city, time zone, longitude / latitude; thereby changing how the cosmic energies effect you and your interpersonal dealings with others!

    You MUST have your, and others, ACCURATE Date of Birth, Time, Original Location. If moved from original place of birth, then the correct longitude / latitude of the new location, with appropriate +/- adjustments made for actual earth time differences, for accurate results.  

    There are other delineations I can provide; but it would be much, MUCH better to go to a free astrological website and have good compatibility chart done.

    Or download a FREEWARE astrological software and do it yourself.

    This way you will find out better info about yourself and your person of interest.

    Why be miserable when you can be happy and avoid all the unpleasant occurrences, tensions in your relationships by having a good compatibility (synastry) chart done ahead of time -- for the cost of less than a dinner meal at McDonalds or elsewhere!

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