
What's the best creatine for me?

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I want a creatine supplement that is good at adding muscle yet doesn't add in putting on fat. I want to add muscle and lose weight, so hopefully one low on carbs and high in Omega 3's, etc.





  1. Personally I use Body Fortress. Muscle weighs alot more than fat, so even though you will lose fat, you will probably still gain weight. But keep in mind that it will be all muscle, and it will still LOOK like you're losing weight because your body will be leaner. As for one low in carbs, i would not recommend that. Research has shown that taking your creatine in HIGH carb drinks, such as grape juice or gatorade, helps extremely in the absorption of it into your muscles. Also, CARBS don't mean FAT, they are simple sugars that breakdown very easily in your body, so minimal amounts actually stay with you.

  2. creatine hurts your balls don't take it

  3. Sometimes you don't realize there's much weight loss when you swap fat for muscle.  Granted, muscle is better - but a good many times, you may not see the numbers you were aiming for.

  4. Did you know your body makes creatine on it's own? If you supplement, you risk storing the extra as body fat. Same for protein shakes- once your body gets more than it needs, it stores in your body as fat!

    If you're in your teens, your body is growing and muscle definition will come with time. Eat right, and work out. Do NOT turn to supplements- you might regret it later!

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