
What's the best cure for lonesomeness?

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Leaving Mom.




  1. New friends.

  2. company

  3. a boy/girlfriend

  4. get a hobby

  5. Try not to be alone. If you don't have anyone to keep you company, take a walk in the park or go get a cup of coffee and sitdown for a while, even being around strangers helps shake that lonely feeling. Hope you feel better :-)

  6. Read lots of books.

  7. a dog

  8. find a good man hehe

  9. First of all,you should know your self,and see what attitude you have towards your self, and see ,why you get lonely so you discover what is the reason what is your lonesomeness. when you have the clue, then try to activate your positive side, so you start to make friends and be no longer lonely, and your lonesomeness will go completely

  10. Balch remedies Flower remedies. Also, you can learn about taking a spiritual approach so that you know you are never alone. You to are always together no matter where you are geographically.

  11. why are you on your own.There are billion and billions people and you only need hand full to keep a company.there are plenty and you have to look for it.What have u done to get friend .Nothing.U know your school Friends,neighbour es,work mates and other people,relations.etc.Go out shopping,eating,dancing or to gym and u will make friends.

    Go to park now children having holidays u will find enough people to give u smile and even children.It is all for looking.You lack self confident and why is this so.Think that u are good as any one and do not think that some thing is wrong.Build up your self esteem.Wear nice clothes and do nice hair and change hair style.keep your self happy and do not sit home.Always find some thing to do.It is the things u are not doing keeps u like this.Ar u working.If yes then this is not a problem.I hope u start feeling good from now.

  12. Lotsa visits home? Call her a lot? billions of new friends? uhh... Dancing's awlways fun....

  13. Books are the best friends , they can guide you ,but please have  good books else they do the opposite.Friends are the best , but friendship requires time and it is possible that you might not find a friend that really understands you .A good friend too is your good fortune.Time pass friends can also cure your lonesomeness

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