
What's the best drill or swing thought to keep from coming over the top?

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What's the best drill or swing thought to keep from coming over the top?




  1. MBL is correct.  You need to start the downswing with your lower body. If you do, your hands will automatically start to drop into the correct position and you will get the club head on a better plane.  Do not let your hands and arms start the downswing.

    Also, this is not a violent planting of the leading foot and a jerking of the legs towards the target. Just start the lower body before you start the upper body and it will all follow.

  2. The way I stopped coming over the top was to pause just a moment at the top of my backswing, then drop my hands down to shoulder level (retaining the same wrist angle and arm extention) before starting my downswing.

    Though I will occasionally push one out to the right, I find it almost impossible to come over the top from that position.

  3. Whatever the best drill is it is little known as this is the most common problem I see on the course.  Nevetheless you need to have the clubhead come from the inside out.  Usually the best way to get there is to start the downswing with your feet/legs NOT the hands which is the over-the-top move.

  4. Your first move down should be the tucking of your right elbow to your side (if you're right-handed).

    Good luck!

  5. I just read this from Yahoo Golf page:

    Most golfers swing out-to-in, producing a weak slice. This is caused by a premature opening of the shoulders at the start of the downswing. To stop this common flaw, try this: As you swing, feel as if your shirt logo is behind the ball until impact. This will “freeze” your shoulders momentarily at the start of the downswing, allowing the arms and club to produce a nice inward arc to the ball, resulting in a nice, long draw.

  6. the best thought for that is to feel like youre sticking your right elbow into your side(left elbow for leftys). its one of the main things i focus on when im hitting poor shots.

  7. Here's the sequence of the swing...and remember its a swing not a BASH!!

    1) Weight on left leg

    2) Turn your hips

    3) Turn your shoulders

    4) Your arms comes through

    5) Hand comes through

    6) Club comes through

    Over the top probably means you did 5), 4), 3) then 6)

    And eventually 1) and 2)

    You need to understand if your body are sequencing correctly before we can give it drills to train it to remember the sequence.

    Notice how your practice swing is generally better than your actual swing? What's the difference? For me its because the ball is there so I want to bash it. Without the ball I just swing ie transitioning/sequencing


  8. I have had this problem for a long time.  My problem was I was swinging with more upper body and using a limited wrist c**k.  I have extended my swing at the top and start the downswing by driving my elbows downwards towards my back foot.  This creates the proper timing and allows the big muscles in my body to hit the ball.  It will feel funky for a while but as you hit more balls you will start to trust it.

  9. The downswing works from the ground up not the other way around.  You're trying to hit the ball hard with your upper half but the lower half initiates the downswing and provides much of the power.  The delivery to the plate of a baseball pitcher is very similar to the downswing of a golfer.  Imagine if he couldnt use his legs how slow his fastball would be.  He leads with his legs, then torso. His arm doesnt come through until the very end.

  10. bend right knee

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