I have a nine-year-old daughter who is struggling in school, but meeting "minimum educational requirements" for her retained grade. I also have a bouncy three-year-old. When the two children are together my older daughter is easily distracted(which is also an issue for her at the public school.) Because they are so far apart in age and my daughter requires so much individualized time and attention from me in her education, I'm afraid homeschooling might cause my son to be neglected. My daughter is not the type you can explain an assignment to and expect her to do it on her own. The public school has refused my written request to have my daughter tested for learning disabilities, She has no IEP. We cannot afford private school or preschool for my son which I've thought might help him when I am working with his sister. I'm afraid I might pull my hair out with the two kids at home all day and not benefit either of them! What do you think is our best choice?