
What's the best file type to save an image with under these circumstances...?

by  |  earlier

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I recently learned how to save an image under certain file types. However, I don't know which ones to choose. So please tell me which are best for the following situations...

1. Taking a screen shot of the entire page.

2. Saving a medium to small sized image off of Google or something.

3. Photos off of a camera that are average in size.

I find .png the best, but is that so for all situations?




  1. Usually the file type that defaults is the optimal one for the program in which you are saving the file

  2. 1. Jpeg

    2. Gif

    3. Jpeg

  3. GIF or PNG8 are best for lots of solid colored images, most webpages & computer screen shots are best candidates.  If there are lots of photos and/or gradients, JPG will be better.  The size of the image is irrelevant to what format you use.

    Always use JPG for photos.

  4. It really just depends on what the picture is of.

    .jpeg is best for actual photos-- like landscape, a picture with friends, etc. Any type of photo with a lot of colors, really. However, this is a lossy file type, which means that the quality will degrade each time it is edited and saved.

    .gif is good for pictures/logos that have 256 colors or less. this file type can support transparency as well as animation. This file type is non-lossy.

    .png is kind of a mixture of .gif and .jpeg. It supports color, transparency, and is non-lossy. It is good for photos with very large dpi/resolution.

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