
What's the best healthiest breakfast?

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Can someone help me out? I want to have a good healthy breakfast for metabolism and all but I'm not real sure what to eat. I do want to become a sprinter so I've been trying to work out and lift weights so I know I may need more stuff like protein and carbs. I know it's healthy but I don't know what combinations and what proportions to eat.

I've got: whole wheat english muffins, health nut bread, original all bran, cheerios, bananas, apples, unsalted peanuts, eggs, peanut butter, etc.

I'll give 10 points if somebody helps me. :0)




  1. The eggs are your most important ingredient on your list. Contrary to what people believe eggs are very good for you. I have noticed though you have no vegetables on there. One good thing to eat for breakfast would be an egg white omelet with green and red peppers, onions, mushrooms and the like. That way you are getting some vegetables too. I do not know if I would eat to much bread. Those kind of carbs will start to way you down if you are going to be lifting weights. Save the bread for later on in the day. If you are looking for portion sizes, it depends on what you are eating. If I were you I would eat two eggs (cooked differently for variety) and a different fruit each morning. That should make you feel pretty good for the start of the day.

  2. You have to eat something that will help your metabolism, which is very different from someone else's. All bodies were made differently-that's why  some people have more trouble losing weight than others. Check out this website-the foods that are "beneficial" for your blood type are the ones to eat for breakfast. Since I don't know your blood type, I can't tell you offhand, but this site will help you. Go to "Type Base 4 Food Values" link on the left.

  3. eggs

  4. eggs and oatmeal would help you out a lot, i suggest you add it to your list. both are high in protein and oatmeal has high fiber.

    p.s. since when did Y!A install a spell check/grammar helper? nifty =]  

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