
What's the best herbal anti depressant available (in the UK)?

by Guest56842  |  earlier

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I've heard of all the terrible side affects associated with anti-depressants, and wondered if the herbal/natural equivalents would be of any benefit? If so, what would be the best one? I live in the UK so can only get medicines that are available here.




  1. St Johns Wort

    Edit: I've never actually used st johns wort. But i have used Bach Rescue remedy and it's pretty fantastic. Definately give it a go.

  2. There are many things you can do to help treat your depression.

    Moderate exercise for at least 20 - 30 minutes, daily, and up to an hour. Brisk walking is good, and try to be mindful of the feeling your foot makes as it hits the ground: it is a relaxation technique. Also use daily, one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 2.c, 2.i, or 11, and/or yoga, Tai Chi, and/or the EFT, in sections 2.q, 2.o, and section 53, at whichever works best for you.

    Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it. Also take a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin; a deficiency in vitamin B9 (folic acid, or folate) is known to cause depression. Around 30% - 40% of depressed people have low vitamin B12 levels. Depressed females using the contraceptive pill may benefit from vitamin B6 supplements.

    Occupational therapy (keeping busy allows little time for unproductive introspection, and keeps mental activity out of less desirable areas of the brain). As options, if desired, either a known, effective herbal remedy, such as St. John's wort, (the strength varies, but the supplier should be using a standardised hypericin content, so follow the directions) or supplements, such as SAMe, or Inositol (from vitamin and health food stores, some supermarkets, or mail order: view section 55 at ezy-build ).  St. John's wort is effective for most people, tolerance doesn't develop, and the few side effects don't occur often, and even then are normally not severe.                

               The wort doesn't cause sleeping problems, or weight change, but usually takes at least 2, and generally 4 - 6 weeks to become effective. A recent, independent German double blind study showed it to be as effective as Sertraline (marketed in the USA as Zoloft: a commonly prescribed antidepressant) in cases of major depression, with far fewer side effects, and those were generally better tolerated, with a lower rate of discontinuation.  Unlike antidepressants, where sexual dysfunction is a common side effect, it happens much more rarely with St. John's wort (I have noticed no effect in this area).  

    St. John's wort is effective for most people, tolerance doesn't develop, and the few side effects don't occur often, and even then are normally not severe.                

               It doesn't cause sleeping problems, or weight change, but usually takes at least 2, and generally 4 - 6 weeks to become effective. A recent, independent German double blind study showed it to be as effective as Sertraline (marketed in the USA as Zoloft: a commonly prescribed antidepressant) in cases of major depression, with far fewer side effects, and those were generally better tolerated, with a lower rate of discontinuation.  Unlike antidepressants, where sexual dysfunction is a common side effect, it happens much more rarely with St. John's wort (I have noticed no effect in this area).  

    In Germany, around twice as many prescriptions are written for the wort as for antidepressants, and it is the treatment of choice.

    Initially, at least, some form of counselling, preferably either Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavio(u)ral Therapy. Co-counselling is shown in the first 3 pages of section 2, or online therapy, or even talking with someone you feel comfortable with, and a much more detailed post is on page R.

    BTW, that's rhodiola rosea. This is better for anxiety, but some people recommend it for depression as well.

  3. St. Johns Wort

  4. Non-medicinal cure: Transcendental Meditation. It works better than anything you can get in a bottle.

    Like you say, stay away from the pharmaceuticals.

  5. rodiola rosea

  6. Evening primrose oil is recommended by my female gyn.  , to help normal mood fluctuations and symptoms of BEING a woman.  

    I used to be on Zoloft,,,, in fact I was on it for years, however the side effects that they DON'T tell you about almost got me killed.  

       Stick to minimal amounts of even the herbal remedies until you find out what the side effects are.   WHich ever you try , start with ONE dose a day and NOT the recommended theraputic level in order to introduce your body gently.  Add mild exercise (walk), an activity that YOU like, drink a couple glasses of EXTRA water than you are used to  and eat better too.  This combination helps YOU to take power OVER your depression, and empowers your psyche to improve.

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