
What's the best home remedy for a breakout?

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not severe but noticable,and toothpaste does not work, neither does eggs, and urine is just gross and out of the question.




  1. - Fill your sink with warm water, add enough sea salt or refined salt until the water goes murky/cloudy. Wash your fash with this water several times, and pat dry with a towel, then if you want rinse your facr again with just plain warm water. Then apply an oil-free moisturiser to protect your skin from the elements and from dryness, which can aggrevate acne.

    - Drink Alkali water - Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of purified/filtered water per day, and add 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda {Sodium Bicarbonate} to every litre of water. This will balance your body's pH level. Microorganism, including those that cause acne cannot thrive in an alkalised environment, and only survive in a acidified body. Read 'The pH Miracle' by Dr Young, for more information.

    Many people overlook this, its like saying get enough sleep, we put little value on such advice; but if you have acne you need to drink lots of water to rid your body of toxins and dirt made by the microorganism causing acne.

    - NuCelle mandelic acid is good for removing blackheads.

    DIM 400mg per day - Di-Indole-Methane, this balances out hormone levels, which causes acne in teenagers. Alternatively, consume lots of raw cruceferious vegetables which contain DIM naturally.

    - Drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice per day. Sotre brands contains too much added sugar, and are sometimes even pasteurised. or 1000mg of Magnesium Ascorbate powder.

    You say your 26, acne breakouts usually cease after your teens, acne in adulthood is usually due to candida albicans, or candida overgrowth. Please look into this. Do the spit test in the morning, which is detailed online, search on google for 'candida spit test'

    Hope this helps.

  2. If you are a young person the most common reason for your breakout is an increase in the production of hormones.

    Your liver is adjusted to lower childhood levels. When you reach adolesence your production of s*x hormones rises. The liver adjusts over time, but this can take some years.

    In the meantime you cannot properly metabolize these, and they remain in your bloodstream. For scientific reasons you probably don't need to know, this gives rise to skin eruptions.

    The best solution is to detoxify your liver to make more room for the processing and elimination of excess hormones and their byproducts.

    Dandelion root is one of several over the counter herbal medicines that will help. You can buy these from several distributors of herbal medicines. Wise Woman is one trusted brand you can find online. But it is best to do any detox under the suervision of a license naturopathic doctor.

  3. Calamine Lotion mixed with campho-phenique

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