
What's the best home remedy for a sore throat?

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What's the best home remedy for a sore throat?




  1. Chicken soup trust your grandmother or your can just use some tissue and throat cough drops.

    drink warm, not hot, not cold thing, like soup. i hope you feel better =]

  2. Make yourself a hot toddy:

    brew a strong cup of tea

    add a shot of bourbon

    add a generous spoonful of honey

    mix together

    Sip slowly/repeat

  3. my grandfather used to make me gargle yellow root. it tastes completely horrible, but helps tremendously

  4. gargle with warm, very salty water. you can also eat honey. it coats your throat and  kills all of the organisms in your throat causing the pain.

  5. gargle salt water and lots of spezle soup (idk bout spelling spezel but its an old german soup)

  6. gargle with salt water

  7. gargle warm water mixed with salt, listerine to numb the pain. Rest your voice, don't talk too much.

  8. i know it isnt nice but i suggest  salt water  or some really sticky and bad tasring honey (cnt remember name)

  9. honey

  10. gargling warm salt water should do the trick

  11. I second chicken noodle soup. I got sick yesterday and still have it today and eating the soup is helping. It is called "Polish Penicillin" by my Mom who is Polish.

  12. Well there are no cures but to sooth it just good old Milk will do the trick. Milk will solve lots, sore throats, headaches, indigestion... And im not just saying drink a gallon of milk a day. Just when you get the ilnesses jsut have a drink of cold milk :)

  13. Warm lemonade

  14. cherry lozanges.

    i have a horrible cold/ cough

    with a bad sore throat and they helped ALOT

    i strongly reccomend them

  15. 1. Gargle with salt water

    2. Drink a hot toddy.....strong tea, honey and a shot of wiskey

  16. a tea made of honey and lemon juice.  Drink a lot!

  17. salt water.

  18. Chicken noodle soup.

  19. Tea with lemon and honey

  20. i do not know.but i have asore throat to

  21. I hate sore throats so much!! What usually works for me is drinking anything hot, lozenges such as hauls will work to keep soothed for periods when not drinking hot liquids. Also gargling salt water does the trick.


  22. bourbon

  23. lemon, and honey in chamomeal tea

  24. Gargle warm salt water several times a day.

  25. try hot tea and honey...always does the trick for me!

    hope you feel better. :)

  26. Gurgle warm salt water. It actually cleans your throat to stop the infection. Doesn't taste good but better than a sore throat.

  27. oranges with salt on them

  28. saltwater, chicken noodle, and tea with honey!

  29. gargle warm salt water. taste like c**p, but works. also try warm tea and honey! so good. also theres nothing like a citrus cough drop. mmmm....   =)

  30. salt water

  31. ice cream does the trick for me.

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