
What's the best hotel in Sorrento Italy?

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What's the best hotel in Sorrento Italy?




  1. The Mar Alimuri, which is actually in Meta, right next to Sorrento, is very nice, with one of the few beaches in the Sorrento area.  Most of the coast there is cliffs.  The food and service is excellent.  I was there in February.  They were re-working the pool and spa at that time, but they are finished now.

    If I can help, I am a travel agent and can arrange your accommodation, if you like.

  2. Hi King80,

    as with everything depends on your budget and expectations. I suggest you try a search via either or Just change Milan to Sorrento in second engine option.

    Hope this helps.


  3. Jaccarino is very nice. It's in Sant'agata just outside Sorrento. We stayed there a few years back. Graet food, lovely people, fantastic view across the Bay of Naples.

  4. i think the best, and probably also most expensive is The Excelsior Vittoria it is part of the leading small hotels of the world group and is positioned beautifully in the cliffs. Also worth a look are La Pace which is up in the hills a bit but extremely peaceful and beautifully kept

    Wherever you stay you will have a wonderful time there

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