
What's the best kayak to buy?

by  |  earlier

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a link would be great! please keep the price under $200! thanks if you answer! =]




  1. For what?  Whitewater, rodeo/playboating, touring, recreational....what?  Hardshell or inflatable?  There are dozens of designs, each for it's own purpose.  Not enough info here!

  2. your obviously just lookig for a sit on top for a bit of fun. you should get onto a local kayak club. they'll be able to point you in the direction of some great second hand deals

    this is ireland only but it will give you the idea of the kind of website you'll be looking out for and the way in which deals are worked

  3. Sorry, there will be no answer. I suggest you attend a kayak school. You will get to try different boats. You can also use the library or internet to collect information.

    Early humans built kayaks of wood and bone frames and skin coverings. It is possible to build a kayak using thin flat wood strips. Many kayak clubs have molds and build their own of fiberglass and resin...and for less than $200. Inquire.

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