
What's the best measure to be taken against disturbing neighbours ??? ?

by  |  earlier

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I've had my dog for 1+years, and i realised that there are many nothing-better-to-do ppl living in my block. they are seriously sickening. theres this middle-aged woman whom i happened to spot twice, pressing my door bell almost daily when shes waiting for the lift. (basically my unit is just outside the lift) she does this almost on a daily basis. very disturbing. i have an elderly dad at home. whenever he hears the bell, he'll make an effort to check out who's at the door which he always find none. its causing inconvenience to my dad. and whenever the stupid woman does that, it causes my dog to bark alot. i mean, i believe shes out to disturb my dog. there are many others who tries to disturb my dog too. like walking very very loudly pass my unit, and softens when they passed my unit. or talking very loudly outside my unit at 1+am and prompts my dog to bark which disturbs my family too.

pls advice on the measures i can take against these inconsiderate neighbours !!! can i make a police report ?




  1. if you are in an apartment make a complaint...i had a neighbor when i lived in my townhouse apt that called the office on me at 3 in the afternoon cuz my radio mind you listened to everyday when cleaning house and was there for almost 3 years when he called and said i was being rude yet i had to listen to and explain to my children the noises coming from the other apt i told them it was the neighbors going up and down their stairs when in all acuality it was the sound of there head board beating against the walls......good luck

  2. how about talkin to your neighbors first...better yet...write them a note (make it a nice but stern note) and write your apt # to make sure they know who it is. include in the letter your reasons.  send them another note or two if they continue to do it. if they persist these behavior that irritates you, talk to your apartment manager...

    what would the police do????? ask them to be quiet and be respectful, sure...but that would pissed off your neighbor and after the police leaves, they continue their behavior and make it louder this time.

    basically...COMMUNICATE with them. they are probably NOT aware that they are bothering you and your family

  3. Well, the first thing I would do is disconnect that doorbell. Try talking to your landlord.If all else fails, report her for disturbing your peace.

  4. disturbing the peace cant be proven in your case. if the whole building is after you it will be a bunch of people versus your family. who will win? although if you want to shut your dog up get one of those shock things. i would never use it but it all depends on your feelings towards the dog. if your not for the collor on dog thing try collor on nieghbors

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