
What's the best men's multi-vitamin?

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I need my husband to start taking some sort of men's multi-vitamin. Any suggestions. And I'm willing to pay a high price for quality.




  1. Very few people I know eat a balanced diet.  Yes, that's the ideal route - but it is rarely possible.  I have found Shaklee Vita Lea Multi-Vitamins, available in Health Foods Stores are by far, the most superior all natural vitamins on the market today.  Since the ingredients are all natural, it will take a little longer to notice a feeling of well being.  The improvement is so gradual, it's barely noticeable.  Until one day you stop & think back - I don''t get as tired out as I did a few months ago - or - my endurance level has really improved from this time last year.  You must still eat as balanced a diet as you possibly can - but the multi vitamin provides you with the nutrients you may not be getting in your daily intake of food.  Good Luck.

  2. NO2

  3. He won't need vitamin pills if he eats a balance diet

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