
What's the best money saving tip you personally apply to your life?

by Guest61408  |  earlier

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What's the best money saving tip you personally apply to your life?




  1. I usually think about it for a second asking myself a few things such as, "Is this a necessity or a want?" or "If I spend all this money on this one item will I be able to buy food and pay for my bills?" I suggest opening an extra account or finding a nice SAFE place to store your extra money instead of spending that money. It could help you in an emergency or a needed to pay debt/bill.

  2. I ask myself "is this a neccessity or just something I want?"

  3. I have a spending plan that accounts for every penny I'm going to earn in the month. My goal is to spend at least one penny less than that, every month. If I earn more money that month, I divide the extra money into thirds: With the first third, I put it into a savings account; the second third pays down old debt; the last third goes to increase my spending plan for that month. Maybe I'll have dinner out, or go see another movie, or buy some clothes. Since I've started this plan, I've traveled around the world, I've just bought a new, bigger condo, I have a large prudent reserve socked away, and I don't owe anyone a d**n dime.

  4. well, it's a empty mayo jar.

  5. If it's on sale, buy it!!!!

  6. hello - cash is king - i have found using cash keeps me more focused on what I'm actually spending and buying.   also I think about how long it took me to earn the money to pay for the thing.  I have two small business in addition to my primary job, all monies from those go directly into retirement plan savings, as do all other unexpected monies (holiday gifts etc.).  good luck

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