
What's the best natural substance to be used as an eye moisturizer??

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Because I have very sensitive eyes and allergic to every thing in the market cheap or expensive...

I've tryed using Almond oil and some people said jojoba oil is better....

my eye leds are very dry




  1. Eat more omega 3 oil.  Buy a mercury free fish oil.  Good for your heart/moods too.  But, people with serious heart problems shouldn't take it.  Its a blood thinner, so your period might be heavier too.  I take it and helps with dry skins and the other suff I mentioned.

  2. is this for the skin around the eyes? if so, have you tried organic creams or sth from (good) health shops? some good brands are:

    Living Nature


    Dr Haushka

    ask the people in the health shop for advice, they're ususally very good (don't go to Holland & Barrett)

  3. Did you try some baby oil or cucumbers slices over your eye lids.Thats what used at the spas.

  4. Aloe.

  5. water

  6. I like Camocare brand eye cream. Read the ingredients here:

    Or you might get good results from Miracell, an oil blend especially for psoriasis-type skin troubles.

    Both of these have caprillic acid, which does wonderful things to skin. The Miracell is a little closer to natural, with no parabens. Both products are available at most health food stores.

  7. aloe-vera gel (natural) or just apply the almond oil and dab rose water on it so that no dust sticks to your eyelids else that would lead to more allergies/

    Best thing to do would be to go to a dermatologist and an ophthalmologist because eyes are very sensitive organs and should be handled with extra care. Don't take risks that you would regret later...

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