
What's the best orginazation to donate money to to help the earth?

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thinking about donating & i want to know who to donate to and why thanks!




  1. I would say the best organization to donate to is Earth First!, a great organization that does a lot of really effective direct action work and are usually on a shoestring budget.

  2. I tend to avoid donating money to EVERY non-profit organization, no matter how good their intentions, because you never know where the money will end up.  Much of it will go toward administrative overhead and into the pockets of the chairmen.  What many organizations do need, though, is the donation of time and goods.


    My wife and I used to work in animal rescue, and we learned from that just how necessary animal supplies are for those who rehabilitate both wildlife and domestic animals.  Bedding, toys, and food, are all in high demand.  Also, people who are willing to give time to help or even tonate space in their houses will benefit the organizations.  Such groups include: The Humane Society, American Ferret Association, local shelters, etc.  You can contact local vet clinics and your jurisdiction's wildlife department for lists.


    There are many groups that help to restore area of land damaged by natural occurances (hurricanes, tornados, fires, erosion) and manmade occurances (deforestation, urbanization, etc.).  You can help here by taking a day to replant trees or move around eroded dirt with you local groups.  Such groups include the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.  Local nature preserves and parks may need help as well.

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