
What's the best pet for a first time pet owner?

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Hi everyone,

Recently, I've been hoping to get a pet. I would love any pet that's affectionate and good around people; although if need be I can put its cage in my room so it's not around people. I'm gone at school during day, and I do several sports afterwards, so it also has to do well alone during the day.

I could always get another pet to accompany it, but my parents are very reluctant just to get me a pet, let alone two. I'm still trying to convince them, so I think to begin a small pet would be best. Probably a rodent.

My mom's scared of both mice and rats, so they're out. I'm thinking a hamster might be the way to go, but I'm not really sure about the whole nocturnal thing.

Is a hamster the way to go? Keeping in mind my parent's don't want to take care of it in five years when I'm gone, and I want an affection pet, what pet do you reccomend? I'm open to any suggestions. If you do suggest a hamster, which breed/gender should I get?

Thanks in advance!




  1. you should get something small and cheap like a rabbit,guinea pig,hamster,rat,mouse dont get more than one though dont get a dog because they are so noisy and need attention 24/7

  2. well if you have the hamster in your room it might make alot of sound cuz it's nucturnal when it goes on it's wheel it might be a little squeaky and no it's not hard to take care of. you can have other pets as well like guinea pig and a rabbit i hope this helps :)

  3. you sound like a fish guy

  4. Well i have a parakeet and he is very friendly and loves to play, but also is fine being away in his cage with a mirror and some toys.

    hampsters can be pretty boring and they have a very short life span.

    a guinea pig would also be a good choice. they are affectionate and playful but they are happy in their cages.

  5. You should look here. It finds the right pet for you.

  6. Chinchillas are awesome. They are rodents with unique personalities. They do tricks and are very entertaining. They are nocturnal but mine stay awake and play during the day too. Goodluck.

  7. how about a guinea pig! i had one, and i loved it, it was very friendly, and usually like to be held.

    if not, you coudl get a hampter, but i find them boring :P lol.

    good luck with convincing your parents!

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