
What's the best phone out there right now?

by  |  earlier

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I got the iPhone 3G on launch day and literally feel like it's the best phone I've ever had.

As a former sidekick user, it doesn't even compare to the iPhone so anyone who says the sidekick is better is full of it.

The blackberry is my second choice, however, I've never owned one.

What are your opinions?




  1. nokia 6110 navigator is da bom

  2. i have an iphone 3g and it is the best!!!!!! i had a blackberry pearl and it sucked

  3. iPhone 3G I think.

  4. I have a Sidekick and it is nowhere even close to the Iphone! I have wanted an iphone since it came out. I agree that the Iphone is the King of all cellphones!

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