
What's the best place to buy used cd's in Toronto?

by  |  earlier

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Obviously, if I'm looking for new cd's, Rotate This, Soundscapes, etc. are the way to go.

But what about used cd's?




  1. Dixie Records is the best place I've found over the years.  It's all the way in Mississauga and only open weekends, but trust me, it's worth the trip.  They sell CD's and DVD's and have a huge selection of current and old stuff, as well as a great selection of CD and DVD sets and TV series on DVD.  All the CD's are $10 or less (often less for older ones), and they make sure they are in perfect condition before putting them out to sell.  I've been going there for over 10 years and I've never had a problem with any of the over 100 discs I've bought there.  They also buy your used CD's and DVD's for a great price, only $3.00 less than they'll sell it for, which is the best deal I've ever been able to find.  Dixie by far has the best selection, quality, and prices for used CDs and DVDs in the city, if you can put up with walking through the rest of the c**p flea market to get there you won't be disapointed.  Here's a link...

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