
What's the best place to live?

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weather wise? i live in houston, and my gawd, its always humid, sticky, and rainy, and HOTTT!!!!!!! and its hurricane territory!




  1. Ocala, also hurricane territory.  But being in the middle of the state, storms slow down over land as they arrive.  

  2. I live in San Diego, and while the weather is nice, it is very expensive to live here.  

  3. Brooklyn, NY.

    My hometown. :)

  4. Hunterdon County, New Jersey.

    While we may have the highest property taxes in the country (and are the second richest county), we have splendid weather and scenic farmland and forestry.  

    Answer my question -;...

  5. Hawaii.  Warm all year round, not as humid as the South

  6. Malta.

  7. Austin. If money is not an option, San beautiful here, but you pay for it.

  8. Portland, Oregon.

    Its relatively cheap to live there, there is plenty of well paid work, there is the best tram system in the world, forests, pacfic has it all.

    That said, nothing beats Boston for culture..

    New York is an ugly third world dump.

  9. I live in Houston too.. well League City really- about 1/2 way between H-town and Galveston.  and I agree- it's always hot as hades outside.  My boss is from Denver Colorado and he non stop talks about how great it is there... so we kinda mock him.  We always say:  "Denver's motto is- where the women are hot but the weather is not!"  haha!  so- from what i've heard, Denver is nice!  I think everywhere has their own problems.. tornados, hurricanes, avalanches... I don't know- I don't do well with the cold.. but it could definitly stand to be a little colder.

  10. Sante Fe, New Mexico, or flagstaff Az.  They are far enough south to moderate winters, and high enough to moderate summers.  (They are pretty dry which is a mixed blessing.)

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