
What's the best product to kill ALL vegetation in my yard (grass, weeds, etc)?

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i want to kill it all... total annihilation of everything around my house that's alive and green. i want weeds to die. i was grass to die. i want flowers to die. and i want to render the area as nothing more than a patch of dirt for months to come.

so, what's the home/garden product best suited for the job? please, i would like answers based on first-hand experience. i would appreciate no here's-something-helpful-i-found-on-goog... responses. thank you. i look forward to your answers.




  1. spray your yard with vinegar and/or bleach

  2. Roundup/glycophosphate will kill pretty much anything, while not subjecting you to the possibility environmental fines like using petrol.

    So, is your house getting foreclosed on, or what?

  3. You have a lot of different products to choose from and truth be told as far as fastest cheapest and easiest to find the answer is simple, BLEACH.  I use a 50/50 solution of bleach and water and by the next day there will be nothing not even mold or bugs living where you sprayed.  If then you want to keep it that way for years to come I always go for the Roman approach, Salt the earth!  It worked for the Romans after they defeated Carthage and didn't want them to be able to grow food and it will work for you to starve out the weeds.  Well didn't read any of this on google but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Lol, just kidding but I know where you are coming from not wanting the googled stuff. Good luck.

  4. Roundup is a good choice and it's available at a lot of stores.

  5. Ok,,,

    I think if you want to kill all the vegetation the answer is 1....

    there is..... PETROL....

    just spread the petrol up on all your vegetation and burn it all.....

    beside it will kill all the vegetation, your soil will be more fertile....

    OK... :-)

    I think it's logic..

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