
What's the best relationship advice someone has given you?...or can give?

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What's the best relationship advice someone has given you?...or can give?




  1. the best i can give is be urself..

    its old i kno!..but if they liked u before u knew then

    they'll still like u if ya'll 2 go out :)

  2. My father told me that all men, him included, have something wrong with them.  It's up to us women to decide whether we want to overlook it and deal with it or tell the guy to get lost.

  3. dont rush into things, take your time. make sure you can trust them and they are honest with you.  certainly dont rush to get married, bcos if it doesnt end well then only have the hazzle of divorce, and it isnt worth it, just make sure you really love that person and they love you back!

  4. I think Carla from Scrubs said it best when she said, "There is no Shangri-La ya know. Every relationship is messed up. What makes it perfect is if you still wanna be there when things really suck."

  5. The best thing for any relationship is open, honest communication, right from the start.  And when thing get rough, which they inevitably will from time to time, don't automatically give up.  Relationships are a lot of work.  But the rewards far outweigh the work.

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