
What's the best remedy for nausea?

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I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, and so am nautious a great deal of the time. I'm so worried to go on the bus just incase I throw up. So what would you say is the best remedy for nausea?




  1. ginger for the nausea, my midwife recommended it for morning sickness.

    St Johns Wort or Rescue Remedy for your anxiety, if that doesn't work then you should go see a doctor.

  2. You're treating a symptom, not the cause.

    Learn to bring your anxiety under control.

    I recommend meditation, yoga, and learning deep breathing. These techniques have been used for centuries to calm the mind.

  3. you need to get help with the panic attacks,  no one has to live in fear and anxiety with all the help out there for the asking.  

    In the mean time don't eat just prior to going into a situation that makes you anxious.  get your favorite music going put a smile on you face and force yourself into a positive attitude.  Some nice minty gum may help too.

  4. Ginger. Ginger tea or ginger candy; even ginger ale can help.  My sister-in-law used it for mornng sickness.  You can get ginger candy and tea at any health food store.  It will help settle your stomach.

  5. You need to relax for a start, dont be worried about whats going to happen keep your mind off it all.

    Drink lots of water and dont think about vomiting or you will.

  6. since the panic attack triggers it I would use Australian Bush Flower Essences Emergency Essence 7 drops of the dosage bottle in a bottle of water and take little sips till you calm down if you can not tolerate the sips rub on your stomach area till you feel better. Emergency Essence helps panic attack, anxiety and nausea as well as grief and pain, it is not a drug but an energy medicine.  

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  7. st johns wort from the health food store and burning lavender oil ginger biscuits r good for nausea  

  8. Anything spicy.  Don't laugh, it really works.  

    A fireball, a spicy piece of beef jerky, anything really will work.  Works for motion sickness as well.  

  9. Try some fresh ginger tea or ginger anything for that matter

  10. Gatorade!

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