
What's the best remedy for player haters, should you step over or on them going to your next level?

by  |  earlier

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player hater's = people who do not wish to see good happening to another, feel threathened perhaps for whatever reasons. Just a hater of good..




  1. Wave at em and tell em' you love there... (shoes, dress, purse) I LOVE doing that and the look on there face is priceless! They'll keep hatin' but it goes to show that you love your life and that they only WISH they could have it! lol

  2. There is unfortunately no cure for player haters. All you can do is ignore them and keep on doing your thing.

  3. Ignore...That's more revenge than one can handle... It leaves them wondering why they cant get under your skin...Just step OVER them because your already much higher than them...that's why they are Hatin'

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