
What's the best remedy?

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for gastric pains?

how do u stop gastric pains?

Thank you




  1. Unfortunately, part of the answer depends on where the gastric pains are. If it's an upset stomach (gas, etc), you can try Peppermint Oil, Ginger, DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice), or Aloe Vera.

    If it's in the throat (like heartburn), you can mix some baking soda and water and drink it.

    If it's in the intestines, then it could be one of several things, but it's very likely that anything you take wouldn't reach the gas before it gets out the other end.

    If it happens on a regular basis, I would suggest getting a good digestive enzyme complex to help digest the food before it causes the pressure. Most gas is caused by improper digestion, so the enzymes will help to break that down before it's started. Good luck!

  2. If the pains are due to digestion problems then liquid chlorophyll and pineapple every day will help as they both promote a healthy digestive environment.

    If the pain is due to stomach ulcers then avoiding corn and tomatoes will help as they aggravate stomach ulcers.

  3. Pl check these posts.

  4. using a morter and pestle grind dried wormwood into small flakes then place in water in an ambelic boil and distil strain drink sparingly

  5. First, it is important to determine what the gastric pains are caused by. Is it in the lower gastric area, caused by gas? Peppermint tea or fennel seed tea would be helpful.

    Is it higher up and being caused by the stomach? Marshmallow root is soothing to most conditions of the stomach. Is it even higher up and caused by acid reflux? Regardless, if it is chronic, and you do not get relief soon, you may want a health care professional to check it out.

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