
What's the best site for me to learn telekinesis? ♥?

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I have been really curious about this psycho powers of the mind since I learned about people who can mnage to do it.

Can you help me? ♥




  1. This question is asked daily.  No person has been able to demonstrate PK in a controlled environment.  So, despite your desire to have super powers, no such powers exist.

  2. Telekinesis is now called psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature.

    The best place for you to start is with the scientific research to see what has been studied and how it has been studied and gain some understanding of the phenomena by reading the work/experiments of others before you try to develop an ability you have no understanding of.

    In other words I would also suggest studying the rules of basketball before you insisted upon being the captain of your school basket ball team.

    I have included three links below that will allow you to find the scientific research (there are papers and books) and three links below to sites that claim to teach you this ability.

    No system or method has ever been evaluated by science in order to determine if it effective in teaching or improving this ability.


  3. You people have to be kidding me. Do you really believe that is possible?

  4. Google "psipog"

    But more above the instructions, you need the will. The will/dedication is more important than the instructions. Telekinesis is VERY TOUGH and LARGLY UNREWARDING in the beginning. I've done it myself..

  5. I don't know of any scientific proof that telekinesis can occur.  It is my opinion that Yuri Geller and others have been debunked.  I would advise you to look into this further before you spend time trying to acquire a skill that perhaps cannot be acquired.

  6. You cannot learn telekinesis or psychic powers. You have that or you don't. You can tap on them and find out if you have possibilities of either. That's how you'd find out.

    Much luck to you.

  7. i think telekinesis is somewhat a serious matter, and i'd say kinda dangerous, unless you're a professional. i had a friend who was able to move a thing when she was mad, but she is gifted as well and she never intended to have that skill. having a skill like that requires great mind control--it is a matter of focusing your brain, and if you're into the wrong track of concentration, you might attract spirits to make it move instead.

  8. Probably the most reliable information you can find about learning telekinesis can be obtained by asking in the forum of the website linked below.

  9. Glue a bit of cotton to the inside of the bottom of a glass.Turn the glass upside down and glue it to a board.Make sure there no gaps at the bottom and the cotton is hanging down inside the glass.You now have a controlled telekinesis experiment.By ceiling the cotton in the glass you stop any drafts that might effect is.Place the board on the table and do not touch the table at all.See if you can move the cotton with  your mind.Place your fingers near the glass and see if the cotton moves also.If it does and you did not bump the table then you have telekinesis.

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