
What's the best stage name you can think of?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not looking for one, I'm just curious about what people think are good ones. Like, if you had a stage name, what would it be?




  1. Shangalina Rewarts Verdanlezzeeh

    lol idk can ne1 even pronounce it LOL

  2. Buster Hymen.

  3. Sandra Sparkledust if you wanna do p**n

  4. I like the story behind Nathan Lane's stage name.  He was born Joseph Lane, but found when he was joining the actor's union that there was already another Joseph Lane working as an actor.  He picked "Nathan" because he always wanted to play Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls...and eventually he did!  That's why when I join the union, I'm going to change my name to Osvald Tyne.

  5. Hilari Isis XD buh that would be awsumm

  6. Joelle. Just one name :-)

  7. i wouldn't change it. just a variation of my name...

    jaclyn legace (pronounced legAHsee)


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