
What's the best stay at home business?

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Do you think those " earn 25,000" at home, work?

Any information will be highly appreciated. :)




  1. Hi! You should never pay anyone to have a JOB from home. If someone is offering employment and asking for money then it is a scam. However, a HOME BUSINESS is different. If you and I decided to open up our own coffee shop then there would be start up costs right? It's the same for home businesses. You work for yourself and the income potential is unlimited. Not to mention the great people you will meet and the fun you will have along the way. You have to be sure you choose something you are passionate about. You can market makeup, candles, health products, etc. I chose to help people save money on their health care. There are many many people that need medical, vision, or dental benefits. 56 million Americans do not have coverage. Even more need a dental plan.

    If you would like to own your own business helping people save money on health care, please listen to a 15 minute recorded overview by calling 712-432-9598. If you love what you hear..then request an interview by visiting ,or call me at 1-866-400-8716.

  2. I've done quite a bit of research on the subject and chose Youth Juice as my next business endeavor due to the following factors, among others: 1) low overhead cost; it's a category creating product in one of the fastest growing industries, globally; it has a proven business plan with an enormous earning potential.

    If you are looking to start a home-based business, you must do a bit of research into both products and business plans. The biggest problem with most traditional businesses is the initial investment. While there may be an upside potential, there will also be a financial risk involved that you may not be willing to take.

    This is one of the reasons why network marketing has become so popular recently. You can start a business with minimal overhead and leverage your network to make an easy residual income. Economist Paul Zane Pilzer claims that the two fastest growing industries in the world are the network marketing industry and the wellness industry. When I was recently searching for my next business endeavor, I found a first to market wellness product called Youth Juice ( The reason that I was attracted to this was that it is a business that has very low overhead costs, the product is backed by extensive third-party scientific research (, and that its proven business plan is helping a few thousand people across North America make extra cash. In an increasing number of cases, these people are getting rich! All of this potential comes at a very low cost while I am personally using the product to get healthy.

    I welcome you to visit for more information on Youth Juice, or feel free to message me with any questions. As well, if you're interested in the third-party scientific research, there is a website devoted to Youth Juice at

  3. Selling make up products.

  4. You can try ebay, or internet mktg, but this requires learning curve,

    you can get other ideas from this useful articles :

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