
What's the best thing about getting drunk?

by  |  earlier

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It makes me more confident.




  1. the part where ur drinking. it taste so good and you feel so happy. geeze i think i want to take a shot now...thanks

  2. The best thing is probably> How it always brings people together. Alcohol is great so that means drinking is awsome!!! Have 1 on me.

  3. Nothing that's why I no longer drink, I hate not being in control of myself :)

  4. Nothing good about getting drunk.......and if you need to drink to gain confidence you need some confidence boosting classes

  5. gaining confidence, good way to have fun, i wouldnt dance without alcohol

  6. kick back and talk to family and friends listening to music and partying

  7. makes u more outgoin

  8. Herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, the crabs, having your friends call you and tell you that you are "viral" on YouTube doing everyone at the Sigma Chi house the night's all good!  Hey, don't forget, there is like a two year waiting list to adopt a baby, so you may really be helping someone out!

  9. knowing dam well you'll have hangover in the morning.

  10. Dancing like a crazed maniac with friends is even more fun ^_^

  11. It's funn!!!

  12. nothing.

    it's better watching drunk people fall all over the place.

  13. It allows me to let loose and not care about what others think and really be myself (confidence goes up)  Also it's fun to drink with people you really love because things get WILD!

  14. finding ugly folk attractive

  15. You have an excuse for acting like a jack@ss.

  16. feeling relaxed and forgetting your problems

  17. Doing things you might not have done while you were there is a list somewhere.  Oh yeah the wall of shame.


  19. Removing the 'sense' filter between brain and mouth.

    It's also the worst thing :(

  20. You can let lose and have fun.

    And just hang out with some friends,

    you don't have to drink just to get drunk.

    But if you want to get drunk watch how often you do it,

    you could get addicted.

    When your slightly buzzed you still have some self-control.

    But if your seriously smashed, I would watch who you go around, cause you might do something you really shouldn't.

    And I would stay away from driving, I've gotten a DUI and they SUCK! Haha, I hope this helps you out.

  21. I don't get drunk, but if i drink a beer or 2 i feel the stress roll off almost immediately.

  22. I don't know about getting drunk, but I do know that the best thing about getting other people drunk is that they tell you things that they normally wouldn't.

  23. it makes me feel super relaxed and euphoric. Always.

  24. Frogetting everything except having fun!!

  25. got me in jail

    got me a 1000 dollar fine

    got my licence taken away

    got my truck totaled

    got me 10 stitches

    soo id say NOTHING

  26. i think its the moment between when your sober and about to get drunk.... you feel good like you want to have fun and not sick like wanting to throw up

  27. I'm questioning it...I have decided to stop drinking for the time being and I feel great so far!

  28. Not a darn thing... You lose control, if you are a girl a guy will get you drunk just to have s*x with you...

    have a hang over, sick all night and next day too...

    So do you want to have a couple?

  29. sleeping with a ugly guy....

  30. Here's what getting drunk got me just today:

    Forced medical leave until I am released from treatment.  This means financial HARD times.

    They also made me sign a paper saying I will complete a treatment program or be immediately terminated.

    I should not have been so honest with why I called in sick.  

    I would have made over $1000 this week, now I will be lucky to bring home $300.

    The drink monster...(the beast) got me good!

    I will never drink again and I will not change my mind!!

  31. Everything seems hilarious =]  and you seem to love everyone lol =]

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