
What's the best thing for burns?

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I went on a bike ride, was wearing shorts and my leg got burned with the exhaust. I bought an aloe vera plant's leaf, cut it open and am putting the gel of the aloe vera on my burn. I also tried some vitamin E oil. Someone suggested I get a prescription for silver sulfadine. What is the best thing among these 3 things or is there something else you recommend? Thank you very much! I really appreciate your help! I don't want a big scar on my leg. Not riding a motorcycle wearing shorts ever again!




  1. Well, there are quite a bit of some things you can try......

    I've used an aloe vera plant......if its not a really bad burn you can use Tooth paste......I've used that can also use calamine lotion.....that works also!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Luck!!!!!

    Remember your sunblock next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This is a second degree burn and you need to treat it with burn ointment and keep it dressed and dry. If you are in doubt you should seek medical treatment.  

  3. You should see a doctor for it but if you absolutly cant , you should clean it very well, apply silvadine cream and wrap it with gauze. very important to keep clean.

  4. I have always had the most luck with Aloe and rose water for burns. I cannot use silver sulfa dine as I am severely allergic to all sulfa drugs... be sure you are not allergic either before using this product.

    Stick with the natural stuff first. Along with topical applications of non petroleum based lotions or ointments, be sure to eat lots of pineapple. Pineapple contains an active enzyme which helps the body remove dead skin cells... which are what burned skin cells are. The pineapple must be fresh cut at home but eaten in large amounts it makes great differences in recovery from burns and sports injuries.

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