
What's the best thing one human being can do for another?

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What's the best thing one human being can do for another?




  1. love or friendship

  2. To give another person more control/power by helping them grow in knowledge.

  3. Love them.

  4. it would probly be to show them cj's answer.

  5. have compassion.

  6. ...share with care...

  7. Feeling empathy.

  8. Well it's one of those question that may have no answer after all, but personally I've noticed that I feel very grateful for the people in my life that I feel have influenced me, with their attitudes and ideas, in a way that I consider very good and helpful.

  9. Show Humility towards others so as not to see ourselves as the standard by which everyone must adhere. Try to show Generosity by giving credit where credit is due and not expecting ourselves to always get any credit for our efforts towards others. Love our neighbors as we love ourselves by not showing resentment for the success of well being of others. Kindness shown will be seen as the tender approach which reflects patience and compassion for those not as gifted as we may think we are. Self control and self mastery of ourselves towards others precludes killing the soul by self suffocation. Faith and Temperance accept the natural limits of pleasures and preserves this natural balance in the universe by giving everyone their space.

    It is hard to PICK just one thing each person must do towards humanity. One good thing leads to the other.

  10. educate them/ treat them in such a way as to impart in them goodness and good behaviour.

  11. Listen/sympathize

  12. sorry i thought you said the worst thing love them with all your heart be willing to die for them and show compassion even if they are completely evil in your eyes

  13. being  a good samaritan to a stranger like helping somone on the freeway to fix a tire or breaking up a fight.

  14. Display compassion

  15. Right now, the best think one human being could do for me is to tell me where I can get a remote control which will shut off the karaoke machine next doors.  

  16. Care.

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