
What's the best thing to do/eat/see/etc in Panama City, Panama (NOT Florida)?

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What's the best thing to do/eat/see/etc in Panama City, Panama (NOT Florida)?




  1. i love Mondogo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a tripe stew...

  2. Clardster, there are plenty orf things to do and see over there in Panama City, Panama.

    They are the following:

    1. Visiting the Panama Canal.

    2. Going to the Free Zone (or in Spanish "la Zona Libre").

    3. Seeing the ruins of Henry Morgan.

    4. Seeing Casco Viejo.

    5. Seeing old Panama (or in Spanish "Panama Viejo").

  3. After you have seen and done everything, as tours are concerned, please do not hesitate to do your shopping in these shopping centers:

    1. Multicentro (It is located just a few minutes away from the Plaza Paitilla Inn hotel). Here you will be able to find blouses, skirts, dressess for fancy events at reasonable prices.

    2. Multi Plaza (It is located in p**a Pacifica and in taxi it will take you at least 10 minutes and as money is concerned it should be less than 2 bucks for a one way trip).

    3. Albrook Mall is the third shopping center that I highly recommend because it has everyything from foom to clothing.

    4. El Dorado is the last shopping center that there is although that it is quit far away to do one's shopping.

    If you want an excellent department store, may I highly recommend that you go directly to Felix B. Maduro in Via España or in the Multi Plaza shopping center.

    There you have an excellent list from me.

  4. The best thing to do in Panama City is to see the Panama Canal.

    The building of that canal is one of mankind's greatest engineering achievements.  And it is fun to see these gigantic ships rise and fall in the locks.

    It is a five dollar taxi ride to the Mira Flores locks which are the locks that are closest to Panama City.  It will cost you eight dollars to see the museum and see the ten minute movie (in English) that tells about the construction of the canal.

    If you're short on funds, you can tell them, at the gate that you want to go to the restaurant. You can get in for free. Then, take the elevator to the second floor and go to the veranda of the restaurant and you can look down on the ships as they enter and leave the locks. If you want, you can order lunch or a drink.

    I think the best way to see the operation of the canal, is at night.  It is different then. Under the yellow flood lights the operation takes on a different "look".  Plus, they move a lot more ships through at night because it is cooler then.

    There are other things to do in Panama City, but seeing the canal is the best.

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