
What's the best thing to do to clean and keep up w/ a bronze headstone gravemarker?

by Guest55559  |  earlier

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My mom passed away in '06 and I'm trying to keep her headstone pretty. It's made of bronze and someone told me to use lemon oil, but im afaid that will tarnish it even more with the hot sun shining on OIL. Does anyone know any kind of polishing solution or any kind of method to keep it looking shiny? Also my uncle is buried next to her and his is tarnished very badly. Any ideas on how to bring it back to life? Thanks a bunch!!





    or i dont know if they still sell this but Tarnex works wonders on any metals except gold.

    my husbands granny is burried in this horrible cemetary! like i told him clean it and polish it and then you can tell how often they are doing maintenence when you go back. the grounds keepers are responsible for appearance on some level which should mean not letting it get so far gone you cant tell where the plot is! and then complain to the owner. i wouldnt tolerate it. they take thousands of dollars from you to bury your loved ones and then cant keep a plain clean apprearance for when you visit! NO! thats wrong!

    also we bought some brass (garden sticks) butterflies and flowers to spike in the ground so the grave marker would standout  and look nice with flowers.

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