
What's the best thing to say to a police officer when pulled over?

by  |  earlier

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A. What's the problem officer?

B. Was I speeding officer?

C. What the h**l do you want this time?

D. I don't remember ordering a stripper!




  1. D.

    It would make me laugh, always a good thing!

  2. None of the above, unless you want a ticket.

  3. A is the best and I think you know that.  Dont pick B because you dont want to seem obvious that you know you were speeding.  And dont cuss or be disrespectful.  Was this a serious question?

  4. H-H-Hello, how are you this evening officer?

    After the introduction, refer to him/her as Sir, or Ma'am.

    If your in the military, just place your branches sticker on your cars rear window. Mine has got me off over 5 times.

  5. Polite, courteous, respectful, an don't try to BS him or her, Be honest and admit you were wrong (if you were).

  6. Just be polite like say hello!!! the police officer will tell you what you did wrong  

  7. Say nothing,,,,,answer questions with one or two words.

  8. Nothing! Just answer his questions.

  9. None of the above.  Being rude, calling him "dude," or asking C or D, then you will definitely get a ticket.  Politely ask why you were pulled over.  If you give him or her attitude, then you deserve the ticket.

  10. Be polite just like your Mama taught you.  He will ask to see your license, registration and insurance.  Give them to him and add a yes, sir.  He will tell you why he stopped you at this time.  If you are polite and respond appropriately and he stopped you for something minor you may get away with only a warning.  C and D will get you removed from your vehicle and both you and your vehicle will be searched.  Why, because anyone dumb enough to speak in this fashion is either drunk or high on an illegal substance.

  11. Grovel, l**k his boots and agree with every thing he says because he has all the tricks and at the end of the day it's your money and licence that's on the line.

  12. " Good Evening/Morning/Night Officer, what can I do for you"?

    Sometimes officers pull people over for random reasons, Ive been pulled over 8 times just to see if Ive sen any suspicious activity in the region lol

    Weird I know  

  13. none of the above

  14. The truth ! if he or she asked Do you know how fast you were going? tell the truth , they hear lies all the time I am sure the truth would be a refreshing change for them.

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