
What's the best thing to use to learn German?

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I need to learn German, but there's so many CDs, books, websites and whatnot to choose from I don't know which one to use. I don't really care if you have to buy it (Though free is always better), I just need to be able to hold a conversation in German, learn the basic everyday things and the like.

Any suggestions on what to use?




  1. I know this sounds silly...

    Try the "German for Dummies" book.

    It uses the renowned Berlitz approach to get you up and running with the language – and having fun too! Designed for the total beginner, this guide – with dialogue and pronunciation audio CD included – will introduce you to basic grammar, then speedily have you talking about:

    Dining out


    The office

    Planning a trip



    Trains, planes, and automobiles

    In addition to the audio conversations, fun and games sections ease your way into German fluency, while phonetic spellings following expressions and vocabulary improve your pronunciation, and helpful boxes and sidebars cover cultural quirks and factoids.

  2. mhh, the best thing for you is to watch movies in german, start with subtitles and try to understand it. its way better than using a book, because in the movies you actually know how germans REALLY speak, its not just grammar, so it ll be quite idiomatic if you watch some movies, which can be fun. maybe you could chat with some germans and tell them to teach you some basics, talk to some germans, learning by talking. dont only use books, but read some, cause it actually helps you with the grammar, but dont use a dictionary, you will see, you will understand most phrases by reading them without a dict. =) good luck

  3. I strongly suggest going to youtube they have tons and tons of stuff to learn but for correct pronounciation try these web sites below, on youtube look for a woman name Kristen she is great for pronounciation...Kristen will get back to you so ask ask ask many questions.

    I hope this helps...

  4. watch inspector rex. it is a german show and it really helped me when i was learning german

  5. Rosetta Stone software

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