
What's the best type of gum to take on a airplane trip????

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to SanFrancisco CA for a week and we are going on a plane to there,and i've never been on a plane i'm ten but all i

know is when where up in the mountains my ears popped

dangersly and so i know they will pop bad on a plane....I'm going with my parents and my bother,I'm so excited too go on a plane cause it's gonna be my first time...

Please help!!!!!!!!!

Any suggetions!!!!!!!!!!


Oh yeah and please give me links!!!!!!!!

And tell me if it's available at the dallas love feild airport,cause im gonna get the gum before we take off to go...

So it needs to be available at the airport in Dallas TX

cause thats where we live and are gonna be taking off at!!!!!!!




  1. Any 'Extra' gum is good.

  2. none the authorities may think its plastic explosive

  3. Gum that last a while.

  4. try frredent gum !

    and good luck for ur first flight little girl !

    kiss kiss

  5. it doesnt really matter what kind of gum you take

    but you should take stryde because it has long lasting flavour trust me. or 5 gum.

  6. Juicy Fruit - it is delicious

    you can buy it at any gas station, supermarket or convenient store

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