
What's the best video cam to buy?

by  |  earlier

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i was kinda thinking of cannon they always had the best cameras .. what do u think?




  1. Depends on what kinds of things you'll be shooting, where you'll be shooting them, and what you'll be doing with the footage after that.

    If I were buying a camcorder, I wouldn't look so much at which brand name was the best; I'd look more about what features each camera has, then find out who makes a camcorder that does what I need it to do, at the best price.

    Generally speaking, Canon, JVC, Sony, and Panasonic are the big names in camcorders, and all of them put out very high-quality products.  I have used consumer and professional models of camcorders from each of those four companies, and was very pleased with how each of them performed their intended functions.

    Personally, I love my Panasonic PV-GS65 (and the rest of the PV-GS series).  Beautiful colors, great-quality images, and MiniDV tape, which makes computer editing very easy and takes the best-quality video of the common consumer formats.  It does what I need it to do...but here, we're talking about what YOU need YOUR camera to do.  There's a very good chance that my needs are not the same as yours.

    So, let us know a bit more about your video needs, and we'll try to match you up with a camera.

    One site that's good for this kind of thing is - very detailed reviews.

  2. Cannon<3

  3. Try to scan thru the reviews:

  4. It's my understanding that Canon and Sony are top dogs in camcorders. Check the reviews and play with them in the store before you buy though. It seems that all manufacturers put out great products and some not so good ones as well.

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