
What's the best virtual stock exchange game on the web??

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What's the best virtual stock exchange game on the web??




  1. Top10traders... I've been in for amonth...and I'm ahead. Didn't make the top10 yet.

  2. Okay...I'm in top10traders, too.  What I like about it is that you can see the portfolios of plenty of investors that are consistently in the top 10%... and what they do well with..( there are some bizarre penny stock/ daytrading portfolios, too)...but the month in and month out gainers are there for you to study... and that is a learning experience...

    that costs nothing !

  3. Try

    $100,000. portfolio and 4000 other people to compete/compare with.

  4. You can look up "paper trading" and find some sites that offer it.  It is a way to pretend like you are trading the real stock market, but not using any real money.

  5. has a great stock game

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