
What's the best way, in your opinion, to help your community?

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Nessa, its one of my favorites. :D




  1. Beyond myself - discovery of true love.

    I looked beyond for the very first time

    beyond what I wanted to do

    beyond what I needed

    And I saw it standing there

    it looked up and me and told me

    I've been here for a long time

    I've been hurting and needing and bleeding

    I cried every day waiting for you to find me

    to tell me what I needed to know

    That you really cared for me

    and it didn't matter if you had something important to do

    it didn't matter if you had something else you wanted to do

    I waited. In pain. In suffering.

    You were so surprised when you finally stopped to look

    when you didn't have your nose in a book

    the book of your own life

    your own problems

    your own needs, wants and desires

    A tear formed in your eyes

    the day you finally saw me

    the day you reached out to me

    I know your world had to stop for a moment

    and it caught you unaware

    how everything faded

    when you discovered I was there

    The day I put others above myself

    was the day I really began living

    I found out that love

    is the thing you get back

    after you go about giving

  2. I do not believe that there is one single 'best way' to help in any community. Volunteer work, donations of cash, donations of services, or donations supplies and equipment can all be either effective or's up to each of us to be involved in our communities and make sure that whatever we do is effective.

    Over the last 30 years I have given my time and resources many different ways. My choices were based on my own circumstances and being aware of what was going on in my community. I currently donate money to 5 charities and volunteer in a leadership position for one charity. I am able to witness how my time and funds are used, and see the benefits.

    I guess that the best place to start is to pay attention to what is going on in our communities, take the time to attend meetings and learn, and then chip in where ever our talents, skills, interests, and resources can be used.

  3. the best way to help is to reach out to the helpless kids in your community. Children are always put in situations and circumstances that are out of their control. In reality, all they want is someones support. dedication, and love - things that we all take for granted. More than money, time and support can really make a personal difference. Impacting ones life for the better- knowing that you have helped them set a path for themselves is so fulfilling.

  4. i believe one on one attention works better than doing something for a group. is you can change or impact one persons life, than you have succeeded. it also makes you feel so much better about yourself.  have you ever seen the movie 'Pay it Forward'?? definitely go out and rent that movie TONITE!!

  5. Well, I have worked in the community as a volunteer and I have also raised donations. I think both are rewarding for the cause you are working for and for yourself. I have given to schools, fire depts., public library, local youth sports, etc. and when you see children or your community flourish from what you have donated whether it be time or money, you can honestly sit back and say I have done something instead of complaining constantly about things and not doing anything about it.

  6. well if u had money

    Prolly cold hard cash donations

    or starting up sum kind of charity thing

    And i havent done it

    Cus im too poor and still in high school.

  7. Everyone should be responsible for themselves. And not liter and they should keep their own property clean. This to me is a very big thing. I like it clean.

  8. I agree with you guys, the small things are often overlooked. Realistically, I think a LOT of people arel in a position to sponsor a child (I have since I was 18) - the cost is so minimal and it benefits an entire community. Volunteering is also a good one, I've done a bit with homeless people and it is definitely a life changin expierence.

    Honestly though all it takes is the right attitude - we live in a pretty materialistic (ok very) society where people only look out for number #1. Doing the small things really helps!!

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