
What's the best way for a student with adhd to study?

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What's the best way for a student with adhd to study?




  1. Hello,

    Many children that have ADHD also have secondary learning disabilities such as writing, reading and math problems.

    The type of ADHD your child has, will depend on what will support him or her most.

    Is your child quick to answer questions before reading the questions thoroughly(hyper impulsive ADHD)

    or is you child easily distracted, unable to focus on a material (inattentive type)?

    I would recommend that you get a comprehensive psychological evaluations that will identify the strengths and weakness of your child.

    That is the only way your child will learning good learning strategies.

  2. my daughter has adhd. and i found that if she gets one on one with a teacher or me she gets along on what she has to do. its hard at times but i found if i turn off everything like tv,radio ect and give here my full attention we get the work done fast.

  3. Quiet locations by themselves so they are isolated and so they don't get easily distracted. Also allow them to take frequent breaks from studying.

  4. A room with nothing in it except a desk a book and a chair and possibly their bed.  seriously... loose the TV, the radio, the bright red polka dot curtains and shut the closet door.

  5. Clear understanding and a visual example of what the assignment is.

    Clear visual of what 'done' looks like.

    set a time - for short work times - then a brief break.

    Break up longer assignments into smaller parts to complete section by section.  (for example if you have a page of math with 5 problems in a row and 8 rows - do one row and do 10 jumping jacks.  Do another row and do 10 wall pushups.  Do another row and get a snack.  etc.

  6. there was a kid at my school whose parents were convinced that if he went to a normal school it would help. within a year he had a little group of followers, and his entire year were complete jerks. it wasn't fair on his school mates, they almost indefinitely did worse because of him...

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