
What's the best way of dealing with rudeness?

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What's the best way of dealing with rudeness?




  1. just smile and grit your teeth. i have this everyday i work with rude people, you cant let them get you down.they will have kama visit them soon

  2. Kill them with kindness.

    It'll either bother them even more when they walk away, stop them from being rude or make them stop and think, "what am I doing?!?!"  Either way, YOU WIN.

  3. honestly i am a rude person and i say whats on my mind but i got tired of people talking about me and barley having any friends so i just tried to not talk bad about people or at least say things i wouldn't say to their face and i always complement my friends even if what they are wearing looks like i just **** it out ha ha but i just try to be kind.

  4. turn it into humor, for example i just posted a bulliten on myspace and it said something about me eating a brownie and that i like hash browns for breakfast, and someone commented me and said brownies and hashbrowns thats what a fat *** eats, so i replied hahaha i find it funny how u still dont have a life and you try to ruin mine, stop lying to yourself your not coool


    trust me it works, because it just makes them mad, and it tells them that what they say doesnt hurt you.

    hope this helps!


  5. when people throw you stone throw them bread./

    it means do not return evil for evil..

    but rather return goodness to those who have treated you rudely...

    have a long patience..

    learn to forgive quickly..

    someday those who acted rudely will realize their mistakes and would be very thankful to you because of the fact that event hough they acted badly, you are  still good to them

  6. As the first answerer said: be extra nice and it drives them crazy. Also, they haven't got a foot to stand on if it gets ugly, as you didn't provoke anything :-)

    I'm in the military and when I do armed guard I've been taught another trick: If someone is rude, hold them up at the gate by searching their car etc. They can rant all they want, but they're not getting past you until you're satisfied that their not breaking security rules. As long as you're extra nice to them, you're in the right!

  7. Be super polite

    it then shows up the person without you stooping to their level

  8. Just remain calm and be extremely polite...this often throws them off track....and shows them that you're not about to sink to their level!

    I used to work in Solihull, and found that so many people there could be so rude and offensive, until my boss told me just to imagine them standing there stark naked while they're puts a completely different stance on things!!  

  9. .........silence and then POW!!

  10. Be calm, polite and assert yourself.  Keep a very calm tone of voice and don't lose control.  Don't stoop to their level.  This is a case where "taking the high road" means something noble.

  11. Be calm, and ignore them. They are ignorant, don't stoop down to their level.

  12. Give them a FAT LIP

  13. One of the places where I worked taught me that you deal with it by simply listening.  People can rant and rave and carry on, and I just listen quietly.  I even say something like "I see your point."  Most folks just want someone to hear their complaint, whether you can do anything about it or not.  Makes them feel better.

  14. breath it in, soak it up, if they are insulting you about looks then its might be jealousy, if they tell you to improve when you can't, because you don't meet the same status as them, just know that you work harder than them, or just agree with them(if you want them to feel like there was no point in being rude to you)

  15. Tell them they are rude!

  16. i worked in hotels for years ...what i did was be overly nice to the point of sickly...they know you dont mean it but what can they do...

  17. I guess it all depends on how you want to react. I guess the best way would be to ignore it, but sometimes I like using sarcasm most people hate it and just keep quiet, nice sarcasm though like saying things like "aww muffin"

  18. 1. Be super nice back.

    2. Walk away from the rude person.

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